high fever 26.40   High fever.
  hemorrhagic fever 5.79   Ebola is one kind of hemorrhagic fever.
  low-grade fever 2.57   She is still having low-grade fever.
  slight fever 1.78   Maybe a slight fever.
  gold fever 1.32   Gold fever is endemic in Vietnam.
  sudden fever 1.12   The Vatican blamed a sudden fever and nausea apparently caused by flu.
  mild fever 0.92   People with mild fevers jam hospitals.
  viral fever 0.92   In its early stage, dengue appears to be like any other viral fever.
  haemorrhagic fever 0.86   It is one of several that cause haemorrhagic fever and diarrhoea.
  low fever 0.86   Nervousness became a low fever of nervous energy.
  severe fever 0.86   Ebola can cause severe hemorrhagic fever and is often fatal.
  olympic fever 0.79   Olympic fever was long since gone.
  world fever 0.72   World Cup fever has come to Nakatsue.
  speculative fever 0.66   Speculative fever first pushed prices up, then pulled them down.
  takeover fever 0.66   Takeover fever spread beyond technology.
  titanic fever 0.46   Titanic fever.
  gambling fever 0.39   Only in Maryland did the gambling fever fail to infect the populace.
  malarial fever 0.39   Earlier this month, Mother Teresa was treated for malarial fever, a chest infection and cardiac problems.
  millennial fever 0.33   A low-budget indie film that ties science, religion, millennial fever and personal madness into a hypnotic, eerie vision.
  anti-immigrant fever 0.26   And the outward exodus may even increase as anti-immigrant fever spreads in the United States.
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