pay fee 51.61   We pay the fee yearly.
  charge fee 32.46   A fee is charged.
  collect fee 12.11   And how will the fee be collected?
  raise fee 8.95   Will it raise fees?
  waive fee 7.57   Some banks may even waive fees.
  impose fee 6.65   A standard fee was then imposed.
  increase fee 5.27   --Increase police fees.
  reduce fee 5.07   For big accounts, the fee may be reduced.
  receive fee 4.94   Hagel received no fee.
  earn fee 3.75   They also earn sponsorship fees.
  lower fee 3.69   KKR lured investors by lowering its fees.
  cut fee 2.90   It will raise premiums and cut some fees.
  include fee 2.90   That figure includes television fees.
  set fee 2.83   None have set their fees yet for next year.
  land fee 2.37   One idea is lowering landing fees at less-used airports.
  generate fee 2.30   As yields fall, more companies are inclined to borrow, generating greater fees for banks.
  have fee 2.30   Plan has no fee.
  assess fee 2.24   Fees are assessed on a sliding scale.
  demand fee 2.24   And brokers demand fees.
  accept fee 2.17   He accepted no fee for the speech.
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