yugoslav federation 22.78   Serbia is the dominant republic in the Yugoslav federation.
  international federation 12.64   Not yet, says the international federation.
  national federation 11.13   It is a disgrace for the national federation.
  swimming federation 5.53   The swimming federation refused to identify him.
  old federation 4.34   Now, he wants nothing to do with his old federation.
  french federation 3.55   The French federation was outraged.
  german federation 3.16   But the German federation refused to do it.
  italian federation 3.16   The Italian federation filed an official protest.
  bosnian federation 2.96   Serbs allow all of Sarajevo to be given to the Bosnian federation.
  former federation 2.63   Ethnic wars from breakup of former Yugoslav federation devastated economy.
  chinese federation 1.97   He expressed faith in the Chinese federation.
  skating federation 1.97   After an outraged protest by the skating federation, the governor apologized.
  union federation 1.91   The CGT was far and away the most powerful union federation.
  cycling federation 1.84   The cycling federation could not be reached for comment.
  loose federation 1.84   This was a proposal for a loose federation of locally based groups.
  shaky federation 1.65   A shaky federation between the Bosnians and Croatia holds sway here.
  balkan federation 1.45   Back then, Yugoslavia was still a multi-ethnic Balkan federation.
  new federation 1.38   He took part in all the talks on setting up the new federation.
  european federation 1.25   The European federations have other concerns.
  wrestling federation 1.25   The WIPO ruled in favor of the wrestling federation.
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