official fear 45.56   At first, officials feared an accident.
  authority fear 18.43   Authorities feared several deaths.
  investor fear 15.93   Tobacco may be next, some investors fear.
  people fear 15.80   People fear you.
  leader fear 11.65   But civic leaders still fear for the future.
  government fear 11.39   That is just what the government fears.
  police fear 10.86   Police fear major gang war.
  expert fear 10.60   Experts fear criminals.
  analyst fear 10.14   Analysts fear he is right.
  critic fear 8.82   Which is exactly what critics fear.
  worker fear 8.76   The workers fear the worst.
  resident fear 7.57   Residents fear for peace process.
  group fear 6.65   Leftist human rights groups fear him.
  doctor fear 6.52   Doctors feared she would die.
  opponent fear 5.53   We need to make our opponents fear us.
  company fear 5.33   The company also feared an anti-Japanese backlash.
  trader fear 4.67   Traders feared the heat would damage young plants.
  observer fear 4.61   And most observers fear it will be for the worse.
  environmentalist fear 4.54   Environmentalists fear long-term damage.
  dealer fear 3.88   Dealers still feared a return of cold weather in Brazil.
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