double fault 30.68   Double fault!
  technical fault 4.81   He blamed the accident on a technical fault.
  electrical fault 3.88   An electrical fault was suspected.
  major fault 2.04   But he found no major fault there.
  active fault 1.78   Turkey lies atop active fault lines.
  mechanical fault 1.58   Driver error, or mechanical fault?
  anatolian fault 1.05   Most of Turkey lies on the Anatolian fault.
  geological fault 0.99   Quakes happen when geological faults accumulate strain, then release it.
  only fault 0.86   Her only fault?
  serious fault 0.86   The intrusion of the single word only is a serious fault.
  minor fault 0.79   But this is a minor fault.
  geologic fault 0.66   Geologic faults, he reasoned.
  political fault 0.59   Political fault lines were evident throughout the committee session.
  same fault 0.59   Could it fracture along the same fault lines?
  racial fault 0.53   Although much of the opposition to him has centered on abortion, racial fault lines are evident.
  small fault 0.46   But these are small faults.
  structural fault 0.46   China said the original site, a stadium in the city center, had structural faults.
  consecutive fault 0.39   On Friday in the semifinal against France, Becker had four consecutive double faults.
  new fault 0.39   And seismologists keep finding new faults.
  seismic fault 0.39   The region is prone to earthquakes, sitting astride a seismic fault.
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