public fascination 1.58   Public fascination with the case is strong.
  lifelong fascination 1.18   They were a lifelong fascination for him.
  growing fascination 0.86   There is a growing fascination for such cudda-shudda-wudda.
  morbid fascination 0.86   Some out of morbid fascination.
  new fascination 0.79   And he warned of a new fascination with war.
  special fascination 0.72   But Bosnia held a special fascination.
  current fascination 0.59   Take the current fascination with dire forecasts, for example.
  early fascination 0.53   He credits his early fascination with movies to his father, a retired Con Edison worker.
  endless fascination 0.46   Yet it was the science itself that for Perutz held endless fascination.
  great fascination 0.46   But a great fascination was born.
  horrified fascination 0.46   The Doctor watched all this in horrified fascination.
  same fascination 0.46   We share the same fascination with glamour.
  enduring fascination 0.39   Still, the stones have an enduring fascination.
  peculiar fascination 0.39   Ants often hold a peculiar fascination for kids.
  romantic fascination 0.33   I loved the idea of running, the romantic fascination.
  strange fascination 0.33   What explains this strange fascination?
  intense fascination 0.26   When technology works on the body, our horror always mingles with intense fascination.
  personal fascination 0.26   These men are in the business as much to indulge and communicate their personal fascination with wine as they are to offer good food and hospitality.
  sudden fascination 0.26   Why the sudden fascination with a Brazilian flavoring?
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