tough exterior 0.79   The women, she recalled, had developed tough exteriors.
  cool exterior 0.46   The cool exterior notwithstanding, Richt enjoys people.
  new exterior 0.39   But Tseng was not horrified, only curious, as she inspected her new exterior.
  building exterior 0.33   Other building exteriors are singed by fire or just caked with soot.
  crusty exterior 0.33   It is incredibly fudgy inside with a crusty exterior.
  crisp exterior 0.26   It gave the biscuit an extra sheen and a crisp exterior.
  entire exterior 0.26   The entire exterior is original.
  gruff exterior 0.26   Behind his gruff exterior, she finds a sweet soul.
  quiet exterior 0.26   I found Basil a shy and rather quiet man who had a deep sense of fun under his quiet exterior.
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