boost export 25.08   Clinton says that is a nifty way to boost exports.
  increase export 12.71   Increase exports.
  ban export 12.57   It has banned such exports.
  resume export 7.70   Britain resuming beef exports.
  halt export 5.92   Philippines halts monkey exports.
  hurt export 5.60   That has hurt non-oil exports.
  promote export 5.07   He did this to promote American exports.
  limit export 4.08   The government cracked down, limiting exports.
  suspend export 3.69   Government suspends exports of InfoCom Corp.
  reduce export 3.62   Japanese automakers in particular are reducing exports.
  restrict export 3.55   It is futile to restrict exports of such machines.
  allow export 3.16   But it continued to allow exports.
  help export 3.16   A weakening of the Japanese yen also helped exports.
  stop export 2.83   An all-out strike would stop soybean exports, he said.
  expand export 2.70   The emphasis, he said, is to expand exports.
  disrupt export 2.63   They said exports could be disrupted for a few days.
  cut export 2.57   The kingdom said it would cut exports in August.
  block export 2.44   Canada seeks to block export of water to Asia.
  affect export 2.24   Petrobras did not say how imports or exports were affected.
  control export 2.24   Pakistan promises to control export of nuclear material.
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