hear explosion 45.95   I heard the explosion.
  cause explosion 37.06   The impact caused an explosion.
  follow explosion 8.76   Dynamite leaves very little residue following an explosion.
  report explosion 8.43   No explosions were reported.
  trigger explosion 5.40   The agency did not say what triggered the explosion.
  investigate explosion 4.28   Police were investigating the explosion.
  see explosion 3.55   I saw the explosion.
  blame explosion 3.23   Pemex blamed the explosions on a propane leak.
  set_off explosion 2.57   Bombers setting off explosions.
  prevent explosion 2.24   His actions prevented another explosion.
  confirm explosion 1.91   The government could not immediately confirm the explosion.
  attribute explosion 1.58   The explosion is attributed to inappropriate fire extinguishing.
  link explosion 1.58   It was unclear whether the explosion was linked to the vote.
  spark explosion 1.58   Authorities said a fire sparked the explosions.
  fear explosion 1.38   They moved farther down, fearing an explosion.
  create explosion 1.18   It also is self-igniting, creating secondary explosions.
  include explosion 1.18   It was not clear whether that included the explosion at the Aramta outpost.
  survive explosion 1.18   Temirbayev with guards at home, survived an explosion at his gate.
  witness explosion 0.99   Others, who witnessed the explosion, were bitter.
  use explosion 0.92   A nuclear explosion would be used in one of two ways.
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