use explain 1.32   It has been used to explain charismatic leadership.
  call explain 0.86   Club officials were called to explain.
  advance explain 0.46   A number of theories have been advanced to explain the regional differences, Jaffe of the CDC said.
  be explain 0.46   To explain who we are, what we think and how marginal we are.
  exist explain 0.46   No satisfactory way exists to explain how to form a good idea.
  write explain 0.46   When you write poetry, he explains, you become a better reader.
  develop explain 0.33   In fact, the disk-wind theory was first developed to explain these extra-galactic jets.
  emerge explain 0.33   A theory has emerged that explains how all of this can go on for a long time.
  come_to explain 0.26   When it comes to explaining the origins of writing, scientists are largely at a loss.
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