public expenditure 7.57   As public expenditure has risen, so have taxes.
  military expenditure 2.50   Military expenditure has been growing year on year.
  independent expenditure 2.37   We talked about independent expenditures.
  state expenditure 2.04   They said state expenditures will be minimal.
  total expenditure 1.65   The civil service accounted for almost half of total expenditure.
  large expenditure 1.32   There have also been large expenditures.
  advertising expenditure 1.25   This would be a sizable increase over its advertising expenditures for the last two years.
  federal expenditure 1.25   Federal expenditure has become a major issue in the campaign.
  additional expenditure 1.05   A method of calculating additional overhead expenditure is as follows.
  current expenditure 0.99   Pay constitutes two-thirds of all current expenditure.
  operating expenditure 0.99   But the gains in overall operating expenditures were minimal.
  unnecessary expenditure 0.99   CORPORATE SECTOR A halt to unnecessary expenditure.
  planned expenditure 0.86   This hinders financing of planned expenditures, he said at an economic conference.
  social expenditure 0.86   A yawning gap was forecast between anticipated social expenditures and resources.
  coordinated expenditure 0.79   But that counterclaim did not focus specifically upon coordinated expenditures.
  wasteful expenditure 0.79   We must eliminate wasteful expenditures.
  higher expenditure 0.72   The higher marketing expenditures raises several questions, Conway said.
  increased expenditure 0.72   For a number or reasons, resources did not keep up with increased expenditures.
  massive expenditure 0.72   Gone are the massive expenditures on paper, ink, and other materials.
  extra expenditure 0.59   He said any extension would mean extra expenditure.
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