settlement expansion 10.40   Prime minister praises settlement expansion.
  business expansion 5.07   These new measures could limit business expansion.
  airport expansion 1.45   What about airport expansion, mayor?
  capacity expansion 1.32   Analysts and investors expect capacity expansions to be modest.
  credit expansion 1.05   Monetary policy hasalso been tightened to moderate credit expansion.
  year expansion 0.92   Perry said NATO was conducting a study on expansion this year.
  trade expansion 0.86   What is the right relationship between trade expansion and other objectives?
  market expansion 0.66   Apparently this trend has boosted market expansion in Asia.
  plant expansion 0.66   Adjacent land is available for plant expansion.
  facility expansion 0.59   The current facility expansion is spearheaded by Hyundai Electronics.
  prison expansion 0.53   One probable point of contention is prison expansion.
  road expansion 0.53   Financing road expansion is another issue.
  stadium expansion 0.46   UConn appears set to go, the primary obstacle being stadium expansion.
  store expansion 0.46   The company said store expansion is the only way to grow in a tough climate.
  casino expansion 0.39   Without that tax credit, it is not clear how smoothly the casino expansion can proceed.
  company expansion 0.39   However, company expansion should create new posts in the longer term.
  export expansion 0.39   It was the third month in a row that import growth has exceeded export expansion.
  highway expansion 0.39   It looks as if two highway expansions in the Ozarks will make it easier to bypass this town.
  network expansion 0.39   This conflict, which is yet to be resolved, has also affected the network expansion.
  capital expansion 0.33   It said that capital expansion and private consumption will remain sluggish for the rest of the year.
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