art exhibition 8.10   Where do they fit in an art exhibition?
  museum exhibition 3.29   Are infomercials the next wave in museums exhibitions?
  trade exhibition 1.71   Hayatou was due to address the trade exhibition on Tuesday.
  photo exhibition 1.51   APTV has the latest from his photo exhibition.
  gallery exhibition 0.72   The two went to gallery exhibitions, museums and churches.
  group exhibition 0.66   Last summer some of his photographs were in a group exhibition.
  summer exhibition 0.66   One exhibition this summer is a new take on an old subject.
  four-day exhibition 0.53   The four-day exhibition ends Saturday.
  year exhibition 0.53   It also presents numerous theme exhibitions each year.
  computer exhibition 0.46   Jobs will have a coming-out party at the Macworld computer exhibition in Boston next week.
  photography exhibition 0.46   The late photographer has organized various photography exhibitions in Europe and America.
  sculpture exhibition 0.46   We have tried to avoid repeating the formula of the ubiquitous open-air sculpture exhibition.
  spring exhibition 0.46   This was no spring training exhibition.
  technology exhibition 0.46   Islamic science and technology exhibition set to draw intellectuals,
  arm exhibition 0.39   All five countries have sent warships to UAE waters for the Abu Dhabi arms exhibition.
  charity exhibition 0.39   The charity art exhibition was themed The Conqueror of Love.
  book exhibition 0.33   A fashion show, a trade fair and a book exhibition are also on the cards.
  loan exhibition 0.33   The new museum will present two shows a year from Boston as well as one five-year loan exhibition.
  month exhibition 0.33   A Beirut exhibition this month featured battle videos.
  blockbuster exhibition 0.26   Certainly, Chardin does not seem like a natural subject for a modern blockbuster exhibition.
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