patient exhibit 1.25   The patient exhibited signs of the disease.
  company exhibit 0.66   The company also exhibited its redesigned Explorer sports utility vehicle.
  artist exhibit 0.59   Falkland artist exhibits war art in Buenos Aires.
  museum exhibit 0.59   From April through September the museum is exhibiting historical relics from Xinjiang Province.
  child exhibit 0.53   But many other leaded children exhibit few symptoms.
  economy exhibit 0.53   As is well known, all these high-flying economies exhibited certain similarities.
  system exhibit 0.46   The systems exhibit subtle differences to the driver.
  gallery exhibit 0.39   A gallery is exhibiting his works.
  man exhibit 0.33   Both men exhibited amazing instincts in their campaigns.
  market exhibit 0.33   This year the market exhibited signs of snapping back.
  show exhibit 0.33   Mercifully, the show exhibits redemptive moments of humor.
  team exhibit 0.33   The team is exhibiting a penchant for winning close games.
  group exhibit 0.26   Last month, an atheist group exhibited a placard with a circle and slash across a Nativity scene.
  player exhibit 0.26   Its players have always exhibited individual flair and the ability to score goals.
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