take exam 9.41   I took the exams.
  pass exam 6.85   Did you pass the exam?
  fail exam 2.11   How often do you fail exams?
  have exam 1.65   Will you have any exams this year?
  do exam 1.38   Does she, doing exams yet?
  finish exam 1.25   He finished the exam after me.
  undergo exam 1.12   He also had undergone similar exams as an amateur.
  perform exam 0.99   He was scheduled to have an MRI exam performed Thursday.
  administer exam 0.92   She is also administering exams.
  complete exam 0.92   The student completes his exam, feeling he has aced it.
  give exam 0.92   The exam will be given to fourth graders statewide starting on Monday.
  postpone exam 0.72   High school final exams were postponed.
  conduct exam 0.66   And these exams were not conducted.
  retake exam 0.53   Retake the exam you mean?
  sit exam 0.53   In this case the Project becomes a temporary centre and they sit the exams there.
  use exam 0.53   Hostos, which is part of the university, had stopped using the exam last year.
  write exam 0.53   Writing an exam requires great concentration.
  hold exam 0.46   First semester exams are held in January in Syria.
  skip exam 0.46   Students have been given the option of skipping final exams.
  get exam 0.39   You better get your exams!
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