find evidence 115.01   Police found scant evidence of fraud.
  have evidence 96.77   I have the evidence on tape.
  provide evidence 55.89   And the game provided ample evidence of that.
  give evidence 38.71   Can give evidence about trial?
  present evidence 32.72   But no evidence has been presented.
  see evidence 28.44   And they got to see the evidence.
  offer evidence 26.20   He offered no evidence.
  produce evidence 23.96   In any case, no such evidence was produced.
  gather evidence 23.44   However, they plan to gather more evidence.
  show evidence 18.43   Her body showed evidence of food.
  hear evidence 15.80   McCaffrey heard evidence of that.
  collect evidence 14.61   An FBI agent has gone to collect the evidence.
  destroy evidence 13.17   The physical evidence was destroyed.
  cite evidence 9.48   It cited weak evidence.
  review evidence 9.35   Why not review more evidence?
  use evidence 7.97   No DNA evidence was used in the original case.
  examine evidence 6.98   The police examined the evidence carefully.
  uncover evidence 6.85   The commission uncovered no evidence in that regard.
  lack evidence 6.78   America lacks evidence.
  plant evidence 6.32   He plants evidence, and he lies under oath.
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