psychiatric evaluation 11.65   He also was given a psychiatric evaluation.
  psychological evaluation 6.19   Psychological evaluations?
  medical evaluation 4.34   Workers will receive medical evaluations.
  further evaluation 2.30   Further evaluation will be done today.
  independent evaluation 1.91   Where can I get an independent evaluation of the fund?
  preliminary evaluation 1.45   Witham said a preliminary psychiatric evaluation shows that his client suffers from schizophrenia.
  mental evaluation 1.38   He had been undergoing mental evaluations, his lawyer said.
  positive evaluation 1.25   Such values work at the expense of a positive evaluation of females.
  final evaluation 1.05   He said a final evaluation was issued later.
  thorough evaluation 0.99   The strategic opportunity was one that merited thorough evaluation.
  annual evaluation 0.92   He is pushing for annual independent evaluations of each.
  poor evaluation 0.92   None got a poor evaluation.
  technical evaluation 0.86   To ensure that the entries received meet the requirements given, a technical evaluation committee has been set up.
  internal evaluation 0.79   The airline said it also would establish an internal evaluation program.
  extensive evaluation 0.72   Even so, she passed extensive medical evaluations.
  new evaluation 0.72   Now new evaluations are causing the agency to rethink its position.
  scientific evaluation 0.72   No such scientific evaluation occurs with the bones found by fortune tellers.
  formal evaluation 0.66   Teachers fill out more formal evaluation forms.
  initial evaluation 0.66   A deputy later said that that number reflected the initial evaluation of paramedics at the scene.
  careful evaluation 0.59   A careful evaluation would follow.
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