adopt euro 10.93   Portugal has adopted the euro.
  join euro 6.98   Britain is split over joining the euro.
  use euro 2.96   What countries will use the euro?
  accept euro 2.17   Some vending machines will accept euros.
  introduce euro 1.97   Britain is not introducing the euro.
  launch euro 1.65   Launching the euro is only one problem.
  buy euro 1.51   The ECB did not say how many euros it had bought.
  pay_in euro 1.32   People who pay in euros get change in euros.
  boost euro 0.86   But analysts say it may be too late for the ECB to try to intervene in the market to boost the euro.
  sell euro 0.79   The imbalance has more people wanting to sell euros than buy them.
  create euro 0.72   Creating the euro is one thing, but success is not guaranteed.
  undermine euro 0.72   That could, in turn, further undermine the euro.
  weaken euro 0.72   Critics say his conditions would weaken the euro.
  support euro 0.66   The left-leaning Social Democrats say they support the euro.
  have euro 0.59   In Bulgaria, few foreign exchange bureaux reported having euros for sale.
  give euro 0.46   Indeed, the euro was given a decisive push by unification.
  hurt euro 0.46   And that, in turn, would hurt the euro.
  push euro 0.46   The ECB immediately denied that Duisenberg was resigning, pushing the euro back down.
  reject euro 0.46   They also worry about Britain losing influence if it rejects the euro.
  see euro 0.46   Two years from now, it is not impossible to see the euro sucking money out of the US.
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