take estrogen 3.82   Should women take estrogen after menopause?
  contain estrogen 0.66   Millions of others take birth-control pills that contain estrogen.
  use estrogen 0.53   Estrogen could be used to treat heart disease in men, a new study suggests.
  produce estrogen 0.46   Men who do not produce any estrogen keep growing.
  block estrogen 0.39   Tamoxifen works by blocking estrogen from reaching cancer cells.
  prescribe estrogen 0.39   So her doctor prescribed estrogen.
  mimic estrogen 0.33   But certain synthetic chemicals, including organochlorines, mimic estrogens.
  occur estrogen 0.26   Premarin is made of a complex blend of naturally occurring estrogens derived from the urine of pregnant mares.
  prevent estrogen 0.26   It prevents estrogen from linking up to a receptor on the surface of cancer cells.
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