natural estrogen 0.99   These compounds compete with natural estrogen for a docking site on cells throughout the body.
  synthetic estrogen 0.59   Biochemists call these pollutants synthetic estrogens.
  alone estrogen 0.46   For them, estrogen alone, with periodic tests to check on the uterine response, may be better.
  generic estrogen 0.39   Both companies vowed to continue their quest to win FDA approval of generic estrogens.
  weak estrogen 0.39   The weak estrogen effect of isoflavones may also ease menopause symptoms.
  conjugated estrogen 0.33   All the women took conjugated estrogen as well as a progesterone drug.
  oral estrogen 0.33   The study is the first one to look at the effects of alcohol on oral estrogen replacement therapy.
  postmenopausal estrogen 0.33   There are pros and cons to postmenopausal estrogen.
  selective estrogen 0.33   Raloxifene is one known as a SERM for selective estrogen receptor modulator.
  taking estrogen 0.33   In fact, those taking estrogen fared worse than the placebo group in a rating of dementia.
  designer estrogen 0.26   The drug will likely be the first version of designer estrogen to reach the market.
  environmental estrogen 0.26   The cause of the fall is still disputed but researchers say environmental estrogens are a prime suspect.
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