family estate 4.28   The family estate has since been sold.
  large estate 3.09   All that is missing is a large estate.
  royal estate 1.84   Cash-rents were exacted on royal estates.
  entire estate 1.25   In fact, the entire estate has burned.
  council estate 1.12   She grew up on a council estate in Leeds.
  legal estate 1.05   It is therefore abolished as a legal estate.
  private estate 0.99   Former private estate.
  great estate 0.92   Hungarian counts have great estates.
  new estate 0.92   He and Mum were moved out to the new estate.
  small estate 0.92   Tending the trees on his small estate is one.
  sprawling estate 0.92   He was buried Saturday in a garden ceremony at his sprawling Lagos estate home.
  wine estate 0.79   On Long Island, wine estates are expanding.
  former estate 0.72   Former private estate.
  old estate 0.66   A year ago, Camby was living in a rambling old estate as a renter.
  residential estate 0.59   Property assets to be sold next year include a residential estate, an industrial estate, and Hotel Nikko Bali.
  vast estate 0.59   John was the sole heir to a vast estate.
  historic estate 0.53   He is understood to feel that compulsory sales would break up historic estates.
  palatial estate 0.53   We did a screening at the palatial Bullers estate Thursday night.
  non-real estate 0.46   Starwood is allowed to own real estate and engage in non-real estate operating businesses without having to pay taxes.
  rural estate 0.46   The plot, briefly, centers on a rural Russian estate.
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