police escort 12.11   Police escorts for some.
  troop escort 2.24   NATO troops escort Muslims to Serb-held area.
  officer escort 1.78   Local law enforcement officers escorted the convoy.
  guard escort 1.71   The shipment was escorted by guards.
  official escort 1.58   Officials escorted him out the door.
  soldier escort 1.25   Civilians travel in convoys escorted by soldiers.
  authority escort 1.18   Authorities escorted the suspect to Greenaa.
  agent escort 1.05   Agents escorted the man out of their office.
  peacekeeper escort 0.92   Peacekeepers also escorted the people crossing.
  force escort 0.79   NATO forces escorted the Serbian tractor convoy out of town.
  boat escort 0.72   A navy boat escorted it out of territorial waters, he added.
  car escort 0.72   A police car escorted them.
  policeman escort 0.66   Palestinian policemen escorted the marchers, and no incident was reported.
  dozen escort 0.59   Dozens of police escorted the giant birth control device, guarding against possible punctures.
  army escort 0.53   The train had no army escort.
  trooper escort 0.53   State troopers still escort coaches on and off the field.
  convoy escort 0.46   Candidates canvas votes by loudspeaker from inside armored cars escorted by convoys of soldiers.
  marshal escort 0.46   Federal marshals escorted them from the courthouse.
  vehicle escort 0.46   A police source said Sunday the police vehicle was escorting the minibus.
  helicopter escort 0.39   Moroccan helicopters were escorting the balloon through Moroccan airspace.
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