prevent escape 4.94   Guards fired shots to try prevent the escape.
  make escape 4.81   The man made his escape.
  plan escape 2.37   Then he began planning his escape.
  have escape 1.97   Mm, not having any escape.
  offer escape 1.78   Others offer escape into the past.
  block escape 1.65   The Germans turned on him, blocking his escape.
  seek escape 1.38   They ran in all directions, desperately seeking escape.
  attempt escape 1.32   A year later, Dung attempted another escape.
  plot escape 1.25   But she plotted her escape.
  provide escape 1.05   Free agency provided an escape.
  aid escape 0.86   She also aided the escape of three other Cohens.
  find escape 0.86   But Vikki may have found an escape.
  follow escape 0.79   The incident follows two escapes in July.
  allow escape 0.72   Rhythm defies dismissal, allows no escape.
  investigate escape 0.53   The prisons service appointed a senior officer to investigate the escape.
  describe escape 0.39   Family describes their escape from North Korea.
  help escape 0.39   They were using smoke dispersal to help hostages escape, Yeltsin added.
  engineer escape 0.33   She was trying to engineer her escape from the classics lecturer when Jamie made his way over.
  hamper escape 0.33   Grills on some windows hampered escape.
  mean escape 0.33   Freedom, however, does not always mean escape.
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