use equipment 29.82   Is proper safety equipment used?
  buy equipment 15.87   I buy the equipment.
  make equipment 15.14   MRV makes telecommunications equipment.
  sell equipment 13.23   He sold stereo equipment.
  install equipment 11.85   Engineers had to install the equipment.
  have equipment 9.48   Earnhardt has the equipment.
  provide equipment 8.43   Equipment is provided.
  supply equipment 6.71   All supply equipment.
  carry equipment 6.12   Aircraft previously carried the equipment.
  purchase equipment 4.94   The military aid is mostly spent on purchasing US equipment.
  move equipment 4.34   That equipment could be moved to a different frequency.
  network equipment 4.28   Lisle-based Tellabs makes voice and data networking equipment.
  replace equipment 4.28   The equipment can be replaced.
  test equipment 4.21   Teams tested equipment but were cautious.
  upgrade equipment 3.75   Does it still make sense to upgrade old equipment?
  manufacture equipment 3.69   He manufactures archery equipment.
  need equipment 3.29   You need equipment.
  remove equipment 3.29   He said the equipment was being removed for repair.
  deliver equipment 3.09   The equipment will be delivered in Seoul and Pusan.
  lack equipment 3.09   Schoolhouses lack equipment and are overcrowded.
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