block enzyme 2.44   It may also block an enzyme that helps infections spread.
  produce enzyme 2.11   The microbes produce enzymes that break down carbohydrates.
  inhibit enzyme 1.58   The old class of drugs inhibited both enzymes.
  use enzyme 1.38   They use enzymes.
  contain enzyme 0.99   Normal human cells, however, do not contain the enzyme.
  lack enzyme 0.66   They lack an enzyme that allows them to digest lactose, the sugar in milk.
  find enzyme 0.59   The enzyme was previously found only inside cells.
  attack enzyme 0.53   The two drugs attack this enzyme at different points.
  release enzyme 0.53   This causes the sperm to release enzymes that drill through the egg covering.
  target enzyme 0.46   It allowed drug companies to target specific enzymes in HIV.
  disable enzyme 0.39   He knew that patients with homocystinuria had genetic defects that disabled these enzymes.
  have enzyme 0.39   This juice has an enzyme that works as a natural tenderizer for the beef.
  make enzyme 0.39   And the third gene was one that causes the cell to make an enzyme called telomerase.
  activate enzyme 0.33   It now plans to study whether activating the enzyme can extend the lifespan of normal cells.
  add enzyme 0.26   She added an enzyme, and the nest of cells fell apart.
  discover enzyme 0.26   Wallach discovered the enzyme with help from doctoral students Nikolai Melinin, Mark Bodkin, and Andrei Koblenki.
  identify enzyme 0.26   They said their identical conclusions provide the final piece to fully identifying an enzyme called telomerase.
  kill enzyme 0.26   If the test dot remains white, the enzyme has been killed and no color can be produced, she said.
  study enzyme 0.26   Different enzymes will be studied to find the best and cheapest process.
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