privatize enterprise 1.78   Very few Bulgarian enterprises have been privatized to date.
  run enterprise 1.18   Some are even running for-profit enterprises.
  sell enterprise 0.72   Why should only profitable state enterprises be sold?
  encourage enterprise 0.59   It has also encouraged local enterprises to invest in the area.
  have enterprise 0.53   People like me in the past used to rail that we had commercial enterprises using the college.
  set_up enterprise 0.53   If you are setting up your own business enterprise, your bank can help.
  build enterprise 0.46   Coal enterprises are being built.
  include enterprise 0.46   This business has a high casualty rate, so this column does not include brand-new enterprises.
  transform enterprise 0.46   Now that we have an economic downturn, it may not be too late to transform our enterprises for global operations.
  establish enterprise 0.39   It lets local residents establish enterprises that use the forest without using it up.
  restructure enterprise 0.39   Other state-owned enterprises will be restructured to help them become more effecient.
  show enterprise 0.39   With their numerical superiority, they should have shown more enterprise.
  privatise enterprise 0.33   Increasingly, too, state enterprises are being privatised.
  support enterprise 0.33   Thirdly, the central bank will advocate and popularise syndicated loans to support state enterprises.
  bring enterprise 0.26   The protest came amid a general internal debt crisis which has brought many enterprises to a standstill.
  call enterprise 0.26   The short-lived new enterprise was called Enimont.
  close enterprise 0.26   Unprofitable state enterprises would be closed and the money supply stabilized.
  discourage enterprise 0.26   In fact, the system appears to be stifling creativity, discouraging individual enterprise.
  fund enterprise 0.26   So far, they have funded their enterprise with their own money or money from their families.
  involve enterprise 0.26   However, any use involving commercial enterprise must be approved by Uncle Sam.
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