people enjoy 10.27   People really enjoy it.
  child enjoy 6.78   Most children enjoy singing.
  company enjoy 6.06   Cable companies also enjoy strong demand.
  country enjoy 5.13   The two countries enjoy good relations.
  fan enjoy 4.48   Fans should enjoy this.
  player enjoy 3.82   My players enjoyed the game.
  family enjoy 3.69   My family enjoys it here.
  kid enjoy 2.83   Let the kids enjoy it.
  man enjoy 2.63   I long for the freedom only men enjoy.
  team enjoy 2.57   Both teams enjoyed giant turnarounds.
  guest enjoy 2.44   Guests enjoyed lobster and fireworks.
  resident enjoy 2.44   Residents enjoyed quality restaurants and cafes.
  woman enjoy 2.37   Women enjoy fantasy.
  president enjoy 2.30   The president enjoys a seemingly humming economy.
  market enjoy 2.11   Big markets always will enjoy an edge.
  group enjoy 2.04   The group enjoys little popular support.
  industry enjoy 2.04   The retail industry in general is enjoying a strong first quarter.
  member enjoy 2.04   AAA members enjoy some extra pluses.
  student enjoy 2.04   Most students enjoy reading, but dislike having to write.
  nation enjoy 1.97   These nations enjoy free trade among one another.
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