fire engulf 4.61   The fire had engulfed Chicago.
  flame engulf 4.02   Flames quickly engulfed the building.
  smoke engulf 1.12   Smoke had engulfed the yard behind me.
  scandal engulf 0.79   Scandal engulfed Washington.
  blaze engulf 0.66   A blaze engulfed an Indian army ordnance depot in the western state of Rajasthan killing at least two people.
  teammate engulf 0.39   Wade first embraced his son, then was engulfed by teammates.
  violence engulf 0.39   Violence engulfed several parts of the Albanian-majority province on Friday.
  crisis engulf 0.33   Under Stalin, the Kremlin assumed that a capitalist economic crisis would engulf and cripple the West.
  darkness engulf 0.33   Darkness still engulfs the early morning hour.
  fireball engulf 0.33   When the fireball engulfed her, Sheila Flynn barely felt the flames.
  mess engulf 0.26   But instead, the mess engulfed the Jets.
  water engulf 0.26   Earlier the waters had engulfed a number of villages, destroying hundreds of houses.
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