lax enforcement 6.19   Lax enforcement of House rules.
  strict enforcement 4.67   It is strict enforcement thatwill.
  stricter enforcement 4.54   But Nateq-Nouri wants stricter enforcement of the social code.
  better enforcement 3.95   But he also wants better enforcement.
  tougher enforcement 3.62   Tougher enforcement.
  antitrust enforcement 2.30   The lawsuits mark a sea change in antitrust enforcement.
  stronger enforcement 1.91   The pension agency has stronger enforcement power.
  environmental enforcement 1.78   Environmental enforcement remains spotty.
  sec enforcement 1.78   Carr Conway, a former SEC enforcement official, agreed.
  new enforcement 1.71   And, yes, there are new enforcement tools.
  aggressive enforcement 1.38   He said the impacts of aggressive enforcement ring clear.
  stepped-up enforcement 1.38   Stepped-up enforcement is partly to blame for the rising death toll.
  vigorous enforcement 1.38   More vigorous enforcement of existing laws would fill any voids.
  federal enforcement 1.32   --Gutted federal enforcement of coal strip-mining rules.
  tighter enforcement 1.32   The Arizona initiative would seek to require tighter enforcement, he said.
  selective enforcement 1.25   Selective enforcement?
  effective enforcement 1.18   Thus, Teh said the question now will be effective enforcement.
  increased enforcement 1.18   Calls for increased enforcement of existing laws.
  poor enforcement 1.12   A key problem, he said, is poor enforcement of the press law.
  state enforcement 1.05   But state enforcement is largely paralyzed.
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