can encourage 1.38   Her mother did all she could to encourage Tracy to study medicine.
  do encourage 1.38   What do you do to encourage him?
  use encourage 1.12   Incentives must be used to encourage the firms to restructure.
  work encourage 0.79   Black also worked to encourage newspapers to develop on-line services.
  set_up encourage 0.72   The program has been set up to encourage entrepreneurialism.
  be encourage 0.53   Especially encouraging are the price gains.
  introduce encourage 0.53   The bonus was introduced to encourage shareholders to exchange shares.
  create encourage 0.46   And nine ponds have been created to encourage wildlife.
  spend encourage 0.39   It recommends that the government reduce spending to encourage growth in private industry to bring about faster rates of economic growth.
  come encourage 0.33   Law said he came away encouraged.
  establish encourage 0.33   Financial incentives will be established to encourage them to retire later.
  launch encourage 0.33   An IT campaign has been launched to encourage more people to become IT-literate.
  provide encourage 0.33   Business Software Alliance in Hong Kong chairman Kevin Henshaw said more public education should be provided to encourage respect of copyright laws.
  exist encourage 0.26   Without companies and banks going out of business, no valid threat exists to encourage prudent practices.
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