overrun enclave 1.91   The enclaves would get overrun.
  protect enclave 1.78   The enclave is protected by U.S.-led planes.
  defend enclave 1.58   He did not have troops to defend the enclaves in eastern Bosnia.
  leave enclave 1.58   Turkey urges Iraq to leave Kurdish enclave.
  face enclave 1.51   On Tuesday, Israeli warplanes fired rockets at suspected Hezbollah hideouts facing the enclave.
  attack enclave 1.38   The United States is proposing a large-scale air assault if the Serbs attack the enclave.
  surround enclave 1.25   The enclave is surrounded by Serb-held land.
  flee enclave 0.92   Many of those who fled enclave still in refugee camps.
  guard enclave 0.72   Israeli troops will guard Jewish enclaves while Palestinians guard other areas.
  create enclave 0.66   The need for things that are local and special will create enclaves.
  border enclave 0.59   The enclave is bordered by the Atlantic, Congo and Zairee.
  establish enclave 0.59   The Gaza and Jericho enclaves were established in May.
  visit enclave 0.59   Irish foreign prime minister visits catholic enclave.
  capture enclave 0.53   Survivors say the Serbs slaughtered several thousand Muslim men after capturing the enclave.
  take enclave 0.46   The Serbs are trying to take the enclave from the Muslim government army.
  buzz enclave 0.39   NATO warplanes buzzed the enclave at U.N. request on Saturday and Sunday.
  enter enclave 0.39   An increasing number have also begun entering the enclave by boat.
  hit enclave 0.39   It said hundreds of shells hit the enclave this morning, wounding at least five civilians.
  overlook enclave 0.39   Palestinian witnesses said Israeli forces blew up two houses on the hilltop overlooking the enclave.
  reach enclave 0.39   It proceeded Saturday and reached the enclave without incident, spokeswoman Amanda Williamson said.
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