find employment 9.81   She was unable to find employment.
  seek employment 6.32   When in low spirits, seek gainful employment.
  provide employment 3.42   Such companies did provide employment.
  boost employment 3.29   Urgent action is needed to boost employment.
  create employment 3.29   The park also created employment.
  offer employment 2.11   She was offered employment in the sales office.
  reduce employment 1.84   Another wage increase might indeed reduce employment, Krueger says.
  increase employment 1.78   That would increase employment in Europe.
  generate employment 1.32   It is deficits that sustain demand and generate increased employment.
  gain employment 1.18   Such training is advantageous in gaining permanent employment in the field.
  guarantee employment 1.12   Soviet citizens had been guaranteed employment.
  leave employment 1.05   The two prosecutors who took the Keatings to trial have left federal employment.
  obtain employment 0.92   He obtained gainful employment as a consultant on all matters Russian.
  have employment 0.86   We have full employment.
  promote employment 0.79   Now, the emphasis is supposed to be on policies promoting full employment.
  cut employment 0.72   Wall Street cut employment again.
  accept employment 0.59   Others are receiving signing bonuses simply for accepting summer employment.
  achieve employment 0.59   The free Market system is an imperfect mechanism for achieving full employment.
  include employment 0.59   It includes employment for reserve guards, ecological education and aid for school fees.
  maintain employment 0.53   In this district increased trade absorbed the extra productivity and maintained brisk employment.
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