company embrace 2.37   The company embraced the Web and its big-spending ways.
  people embrace 2.30   The people embrace the event.
  fan embrace 2.17   And the fans embraced him.
  leader embrace 1.97   Leaders embrace protests.
  government embrace 1.84   The federal government has embraced the Internet.
  two embrace 1.71   The two embraced.
  weather embrace 1.65   Torrid weather will embrace the Northeast Monday.
  investor embrace 1.58   Investors embraced the news.
  man embrace 1.58   The men embraced.
  woman embrace 1.45   The women embraced.
  administration embrace 1.32   The Bush administration embraced both ideas.
  city embrace 1.32   The city has embraced him.
  community embrace 1.32   And it seems the community has embraced them as well.
  audience embrace 1.25   Critics were lukewarm, but audiences embraced the show.
  country embrace 1.18   But Western countries should not embrace him too closely.
  public embrace 1.18   The public will embrace me.
  player embrace 1.05   Players embraced.
  president embrace 0.99   President embraces ex-wife at ANC conference.
  consumer embrace 0.92   How fast consumers will embrace DSL is an open question.
  member embrace 0.79   In the hallways, staff members embraced each other and wept.
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