economic embargo 26.00   Others blast the U.S. economic embargo.
  international embargo 7.97   Thousands died of malnutrition because of an international embargo.
  american embargo 2.11   Prodded by questions, most Cubans blame the American embargo.
  crippling embargo 1.84   Only then should the crippling embargo be lifted, Chernomyrdin said.
  current embargo 0.92   Still, the current embargo on political films cannot endure.
  longstanding embargo 0.86   He lambasted the United States for its longstanding embargo against the island.
  iraqi embargo 0.66   The Iraqi embargo has been a devastating blow to the Turkish economy.
  long-standing embargo 0.66   Both oppose the long-standing U.S. embargo on Cuba, which the pope recently visited.
  crushing embargo 0.59   The council is expected to meet Tuesday to extend its crushing economic embargo against Iraq.
  such embargo 0.59   Even so, Ivanov reiterated that Russia would not obey such an embargo.
  total embargo 0.59   Clinton declared a total economic embargo on Iran last month and the measure came into effect Tuesday.
  unilateral embargo 0.59   Two recent government moves have angered U.S. companies by taking the unilateral embargo a step further.
  military embargo 0.53   He insisted there would be no military escalation if the military embargo against Bosnia were lifted as the US Congress wished.
  strict embargo 0.53   The new measures include a strict embargo on fuel.
  cuban embargo 0.46   The Cuban embargo is virtually leak-proof.
  un-imposed embargo 0.46   Direct international flights to Libya have been suspended following a UN-imposed embargo.
  continued embargo 0.39   Nelson also supports the continued embargo, except for food and medicine.
  greek embargo 0.33   Macedonia and Greece signed a memorandum Friday to remove a Greek economic embargo against its landlocked northern neighbor.
  ongoing embargo 0.33   But these changes in policy have not weakened the resolve of conservatives in Congress who support the ongoing embargo.
  regional embargo 0.33   In fact, all imports, arms included, are currently being blocked by the regional embargo.
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