success elude 0.92   Sitcom success still eludes them.
  ball elude 0.72   The ball eluded center fielder Curtis Goodwin and went to the fence.
  victory elude 0.66   Victory eluded.
  rebel elude 0.53   Silahcioglu said Sunday some rebels were eluding troops by blending into the local population.
  leader elude 0.39   A seventh leader has eluded capture.
  suspect elude 0.39   Still, the suspects eluded them.
  title elude 0.39   Only a World Cup title eluded him.
  strike elude 0.33   This implied that it would be the first time the strike has eluded Iraqi air defense.
  timetable elude 0.33   A timetable eluded them during months of stalemate on how to expand Palestinian autonomy to the West Bank without endangering Israelis.
  fact elude 0.26   This fact has eluded the new Republicans.
  goal elude 0.26   But one goal consistently eluded him.
  happiness elude 0.26   But happiness eludes her.
  man elude 0.26   How, for example, could the man have eluded police detection for nine years?
  prize elude 0.26   The big prize eluded him, though.
  puck elude 0.26   Brodeur looked around in surprise after the puck eluded him.
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