start eighth 4.61   Danny Graves came on to start the eighth.
  pitch eighth 3.23   He then pitches the eighth.
  open eighth 2.30   Clayton homered to open the eighth.
  end eighth 1.84   Ichiro and Cameron struck out to end the eighth.
  work eighth 1.05   Julian Tavarez pitched the seventh and Eric Plunk worked the eighth.
  finish eighth 0.59   Woods wound up finishing joint eighth this year.
  bogey eighth 0.53   She bogeyed the eighth when she failed to get up and down from the front bunker.
  lose eighth 0.53   Tampa Bay lost its eighth in a row.
  begin eighth 0.46   Sanabria began the eighth more aggressively than in any preceding round.
  birdie eighth 0.26   He eagled the sixth hole, birdied the seventh and birdied the eighth.
  score eighth 0.26   Davos pulled back with two goals before the Swedish side scored its eighth.
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