accompanying editorial 3.23   She wrote an accompanying editorial.
  front-page editorial 2.96   Al-Akhbar, a state-owned newspaper, asked in a front-page editorial.
  recent editorial 1.58   The Daily Mail lamented in a recent editorial.
  critical editorial 0.72   Several papers carried critical editorials.
  angry editorial 0.39   The contretemps made headlines, and inspired some angry editorials.
  lead editorial 0.39   Only once was their fate the subject of a lead editorial.
  first editorial 0.33   The appeal came in the first major editorial in the new year.
  scathing editorial 0.33   His decree detonated street protests and scathing editorials.
  separate editorial 0.33   In the lengthy state media accounts and a separate editorial, the government attempted to fix blame on Li.
  worded editorial 0.26   A sharply worded editorial last year in the New England Journal of Medicine detailed the many pitfalls of alternative medicine.
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