red earth 1.91   Mounds of turned red earth, reeking of death.
  brown earth 1.32   Instead all he has is sun-scorched brown earth.
  soft earth 1.32   The wheels got stuck in the soft earth.
  parched earth 1.25   How do you coax parched earth to rehydrate?
  damp earth 1.05   It was dark and smelt of damp earth.
  dug earth 0.92   Other photos show an empty field with a quantity of freshly dug earth.
  bare earth 0.86   Many slept in tents or on bare earth.
  frozen earth 0.79   However, burial is not an option in the frozen earth of northern Russia.
  packed earth 0.72   The mud and straw homes have floors of packed earth.
  black earth 0.66   ...scorched black earth.
  turned earth 0.66   Some answers disappear in the turned earth.
  loose earth 0.59   Here the loose earth had been pounded flat by thousands of feet.
  hard earth 0.53   The bush was too firmly rooted in the hard earth to dig up easily.
  dry earth 0.46   A few blades of grass poked out of the dry earth.
  muddy earth 0.46   They bathed in the freezing river and slept on the muddy earth.
  rocky earth 0.46   We spent the afternoon chopping into the rocky earth.
  sandy earth 0.46   With its extreme climate and sandy earth, Hesperia would be, he felt, a good laboratory.
  fertile earth 0.39   Only about only a third of the fertile earth was planted.
  moving earth 0.39   Bulldozers began moving earth at the site Tuesday.
  wet earth 0.39   How can I keep the jacks from pushing down on those blocks into the wet earth?
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