people drown 9.61   Ten people drowned.
  man drown 4.02   One man drowned.
  child drown 3.82   The child drowned.
  woman drown 2.37   Witnesses said two women drowned crossing the river.
  person drown 1.45   Another person drowned in nearby Ifugao.
  mother drown 1.12   His mother drowned.
  fisherman drown 0.92   The fisherman also drowned.
  boy drown 0.79   The boy probably drowned, police said.
  tourist drown 0.79   A German tourist apparently drowned while swimming at a beach in Barbados, police said.
  student drown 0.72   Police said the dead students drowned trying to escape arrest.
  victim drown 0.72   All the victims drowned.
  passenger drown 0.66   Thirteen passengers drowned.
  hundred drown 0.53   Hundreds drowned.
  swimmer drown 0.46   Even when a swimmer drowns, it is not standard procedure to test for carbon monoxide.
  dozen drown 0.39   Dozens drown in bus plunge.
  girl drown 0.39   The girl drowned on the way to the corner mailbox.
  member drown 0.39   One crew member drowned.
  activist drown 0.33   A leading Hong Kong activist drowned in one protest.
  friend drown 0.33   His friends drowned.
  immigrant drown 0.33   Immigrants drowned in two of those episodes.
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