hit drive 6.78   Hitting a drive in the fairway.
  launch drive 5.13   Government launches annual drive.
  have drive 3.88   He had the drive.
  begin drive 3.36   Then he began his drive.
  lead drive 2.90   McNair led one drive to a field goal.
  take drive 2.83   Take a drive together.
  make drive 2.63   The plays that made the drive.
  continue drive 2.57   The journalists return to the car and continue the drive to Goma.
  spearhead drive 1.78   Weite spearheaded the drive for the monument.
  start drive 1.51   So he thought it might be a good way to start the drive.
  support drive 1.51   Gore has supported anti-smoking drives.
  stop drive 1.45   Great defense stops the drive.
  organize drive 1.32   They organize clothing drives.
  end drive 1.25   Minnesota had a chance to end the drive.
  keep drive 1.25   The journeyman Jeff Hostetler kept drives moving interminably.
  pull drive 1.18   On the second hole, Rocca pulled his drive but managed a par.
  kill drive 1.05   Key penalties killed drives.
  send drive 1.05   Soriano started the mess by sending a drive toward the Yankee bullpen leading off.
  line drive 0.99   Davis promptly lined a drive right over his head for another hit.
  use drive 0.99   And I continue to use the drive back home.
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