scoreless draw 15.60   Celta-Zaragoza game was scoreless draw.
  goalless draw 14.88   It ended in a goalless draw.
  main draw 9.41   Food is not the main draw.
  big draw 7.70   Clearly not a big draw.
  biggest draw 3.82   But its biggest draw is dirt.
  lucky draw 2.57   A lucky draw was also held.
  top draw 1.97   Garcia became a top draw.
  major draw 1.71   Golf and tennis continue to be a major draw.
  controversial draw 1.51   It ended in a controversial draw.
  consecutive draw 1.32   It was the sixth consecutive draw.
  home draw 1.32   Often, a home draw can be fatal, or at least disappointing.
  real draw 1.32   The real draw is for Iranians.
  powerful draw 1.12   The altar is still a powerful draw.
  second draw 1.12   Kasparov, computer, play to second straight draw.
  first draw 1.05   It was the first draw for both.
  new draw 1.05   He would not face Lezin until the semifinals with the new draw.
  easy draw 0.99   Ferreira has not an easy draw, however.
  huge draw 0.99   The race itself is still a huge draw.
  tough draw 0.99   Dallas is a tough draw for us. . . .
  box-office draw 0.92   Charlie Sheen is not a box-office draw.
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