high drama 11.72   High drama.
  political drama 5.53   Political drama is a big hit with investors.
  human drama 4.61   It was this great human drama.
  new drama 4.08   Two new dramas are on Saturday.
  family drama 3.88   Family drama or mafia murder.
  great drama 2.83   What great drama.
  best drama 2.30   Or should that be best drama?
  real drama 2.30   Devoid of any real drama.
  historical drama 2.24   A historical drama?
  legal drama 2.11   Still, the legal drama matters.
  hourlong drama 2.04   That good news came from hourlong dramas.
  medical drama 2.04   Two Chicago medical dramas.
  unfolding drama 1.91   The unfolding drama made the news every day.
  serious drama 1.84   Serious drama?
  personal drama 1.58   Not all the personal dramas add up.
  good drama 1.51   A good drama.
  only drama 1.45   The only drama was the end.
  domestic drama 1.38   Four consecutive days of dull domestic drama.
  musical drama 1.25   This is musical drama at its peak.
  greek drama 1.18   He knew nothing of Greek drama.
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