reasonable doubt 17.77   I have a reasonable doubt.
  serious doubt 11.19   There is serious doubt.
  lingering doubt 6.65   I blame that lingering doubt on loose ends.
  nagging doubt 3.42   I have two nagging doubts.
  new doubt 3.29   New doubts surfaced.
  grave doubt 2.96   However, grave doubts remained.
  growing doubt 2.76   But even on that score there are growing doubts.
  strong doubt 2.50   Others, however, have strong doubts.
  considerable doubt 2.24   I had considerable doubts about accepting the job.
  fresh doubt 2.17   But now he has fresh doubts.
  further doubt 2.17   But its success only spurred further doubts.
  widespread doubt 1.58   This welter of rumor has provoked widespread doubts.
  same doubt 1.45   The same doubt often afflicts me at home.
  similar doubt 1.32   Reznik expressed similar doubts.
  expressed doubt 1.25   However, some member countries questioned expressed doubt.
  major doubt 1.18   Romantsev has two major doubts for the match.
  public doubt 1.12   The public doubts that sacrifice will produce what politicians promise.
  real doubt 0.99   He had some real doubts about his decision.
  deep doubt 0.92   The Palestinians, too, have deep doubts about peace.
  self doubt 0.86   Injuries, losses, self doubt.
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