make donation 27.72   How can I make a donation?
  accept donation 13.56   Donations are accepted.
  receive donation 8.62   A charity will be named to receive donations.
  solicit donation 7.44   Huang solicited the donation.
  collect donation 5.92   The fund was set up to collect private donations.
  seek donation 4.81   The church is seeking donations.
  use donation 3.88   Stoica used the donations to pay back other investors.
  give donation 3.75   Most people gave donations.
  send donation 2.96   Where can we send donations?
  take donation 2.44   He stopped taking tobacco donations last year.
  encourage donation 2.30   And tax laws do little to encourage donations.
  ban donation 1.91   Congress is considering legislation that would ban such donations.
  raise donation 1.91   All donations are raised privately from corporations and foundations.
  return donation 1.84   Both donations were returned.
  include donation 1.71   The money includes a donation by singer Paul Simon.
  get donation 1.51   Everyone had an idea about who would get their donation.
  request donation 1.18   A donation is requested for admission.
  increase donation 1.12   The goal is to increase organ donation.
  announce donation 0.99   The donation was announced Monday.
  limit donation 0.99   It would not limit donations to state parties.
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