captive dolphin 0.66   I personally would love there not to be any captive dolphins.
  wild dolphin 0.66   Wild dolphins show up when they want to.
  dead dolphin 0.53   Meanwhile each new tide brings in more dead dolphins.
  young dolphin 0.46   Young dolphins vocalize a lot, perhaps as a form of play or learning.
  adult dolphin 0.39   Adult dolphins also use whistles to communicate with each other.
  female dolphin 0.39   What about female dolphins?
  stranded dolphin 0.39   They simply take too long in responding to a stranded dolphin.
  blind dolphin 0.26   Some, like the almost totally blind Ganges river dolphin, are quite rare.
  frozen dolphin 0.26   TVBS cable news showed investigators lugging the frozen dolphins out of the freezer and stacking them on the ground.
  pink dolphin 0.26   Four years ago, a pink dolphin sanctuary was established in the heart of their habitat.
  the dolphin 0.26   Maybe she was distracted by the other dolphins.
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