dump doctrine 0.86   He flatly ruled out making Taiwan independent and dumping the doctrine that Taiwan and China are one country.
  abandon doctrine 0.72   Beijing says Taiwan has abandoned the doctrine of reuniting with the mainland.
  apply doctrine 0.59   However this was described by the Court of Appeal as a device and the doctrine was applied.
  uphold doctrine 0.53   As part of that deal, the company agreed to uphold Catholic doctrines at that hospital.
  preach doctrine 0.46   They too preached a doctrine of the chosen and the damned.
  violate doctrine 0.46   In an interview, Righter denied violating church doctrine.
  challenge doctrine 0.39   So Coleridge had no scruples about challenging the doctrine of the Creation.
  follow doctrine 0.39   Suu Kyi and her party follow a doctrine of political change through nonviolence.
  teach doctrine 0.39   Business schools have been teaching this doctrine as a practical matter for a century.
  cite doctrine 0.33   When he refused the duty, citing church doctrine that considers gambling a vice, he was fired in April.
  reaffirm doctrine 0.33   The court, while reaffirming the doctrine of caveat emptor, nonetheless voided the contract.
  use doctrine 0.26   The collateral or preliminary fact doctrine was used as their mechanism.
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