earn doctorate 14.35   He earned his doctorate at Harvard.
  receive doctorate 10.73   He eventually received a doctorate.
  have doctorate 8.62   And he may have a doctorate.
  hold doctorate 6.06   Holds a doctorate in sociology.
  get doctorate 2.30   I want to get a doctorate.
  pursue doctorate 1.65   He is pursuing a doctorate at the University of Missouri.
  complete doctorate 1.45   They never completed their doctorates.
  obtain doctorate 1.12   He later obtained a doctorate in education from USC.
  finish doctorate 0.53   He never finished his doctorate.
  gain doctorate 0.39   She later gained a doctorate from Cambridge.
  award doctorate 0.33   He was later awarded honorary doctorates from three other universities.
  include doctorate 0.33   He earned degrees, including a doctorate, from the University of Southern California.
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