medical doctor 13.63   Medical doctors tend to be skeptical.
  local doctor 11.26   I could call the local doctor.
  young doctor 8.03   A young doctor,
  military doctor 7.24   A military doctor also was arrested.
  palestinian doctor 6.91   He died of his wounds, Palestinian doctors said.
  american doctor 6.32   The NIH provided the drug free to American doctors.
  new doctor 5.79   She has a new doctor.
  good doctor 5.66   He is a good doctor.
  private doctor 5.66   Private doctors and hospitals cannot.
  foreign doctor 5.40   The alliance is also inviting foreign doctors to the city.
  the doctor 5.20   The other doctors disagreed.
  french doctor 4.54   A French doctor is one of the team.
  russian doctor 4.02   So Putin is just what the Russian doctor ordered?
  german doctor 3.95   The names of the two German doctors were not given.
  italian doctor 3.55   An Italian doctor travelling with the convoy was unharmed.
  british doctor 3.42   British doctors had cared for him on the flight.
  cuban doctor 3.29   Cuban doctors also run two private clinics in Luanda.
  junior doctor 3.29   Junior doctors work long hours for poor pay.
  first doctor 3.16   Talk to a doctor first, she urges.
  individual doctor 3.16   They had always called on individual doctors.
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