do do 2.57   And what does that do?
  will do 1.18   What will that do?
  have do 0.86   Cliff had a do again tonight with Kim.
  say do 0.79   And she said Hitched do you remember?
  think do 0.79   How much do you think that would cost?
  see do 0.72   But Madden saw another do the deed.
  can do 0.59   What can that do to returns?
  know do 0.59   How much do you really know about Peeps?
  demand do 0.53   Bush repeatedly has demanded Arafat do more to stop terror attacks.
  get do 0.39   As you get older do you feel any need for it?
  meet do 0.39   President George W. Bush met dos Santos this week and urged him to end the war.
  mean do 0.26   What do you mean by prebiotic?
  tell do 0.26   All three types of images show something, but how much do they truly tell?
  want do 0.26   If you want your do do, go and get it.
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