making do 1.51   The joys of making do.
  daily do 0.72   Cerqueira, in the Rio daily Jornal do Brasil, said the Rio police were hopelessly corrupt.
  better do 0.66   So better I do, she can go to doctors and heal herself.
  likely do 0.39   The thinking is that people who default on their taxes in one year are likely do so the next.
  new do 0.39   New Yorkers do like their mayors humorous.
  big do 0.33   Do you have a big do?
  chinese do 0.33   Can Chinese do as well as British?
  french do 0.33   When in France, do as the French do.
  good do 0.33   Well, should be quite a good do.
  right do 0.26   Right do you think go on then.
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